Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Father's Day Pictures

Today, the kids and I decided to take pictures for Father's Day.  I remember when my oldest was a toddler I stood him up in my husband's boots and took his picture.  Let's just say the photos are priceless.  Now that we have three kids, I thought it would be super fun to dress all of them up in his clothes.  I told them it was a surprise so they could not spill the beans.  We will see how long the secret is kept. :) I am just a beginner with my camera.  I have owned it for three years but I have really never learned what it can actually do.  I really just get by with a few Photoshop tricks and luck.  So, if you are a really   great photographer feel free to leave suggestions in the comment section. :) Needless to say, we had a great time.  The kids loved putting on his clothes and trying to walk around.  My husband is a over 6 feet tall and has a big build so it was hysterical to see the kids in his huge clothes.

It makes me giggle at how big the clothes look on their tiny bodies.


Look how big I am!

Anyone who knows my husband really well has seen him in this shirt a millions times.  He wears it all the time. :)

So proud to be in Daddy's clothes.

His three blessings - Happy Father's Day!!!

The kids will be so excited to give these to him.  Hopefully the secret will stay a secret! :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! These pictures are so adorable! Seriously, these are fantastic. They will be so amazing to have when the kids are older and bigger. So precious!

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