Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Card Outtakes

I love, love, love Christmas cards.  I look forward to checking the mailbox throughout December for hopes of new Christmas cards.  Over the years, we have had some pretty funny photo shoots.  I prefer to have the pictures taken at home.  It saves a ton of money and I don't really have to do too much planning in advance.  

Earlier this year, my husband and I tackled a huge project in our bedroom.  We like to refer to as "The Wall".  We spent several days planking and distressing one of the walls in our master bedroom.  Since this was such a huge project and our bedroom has great daytime light, it was the perfect place for an at-home photo shoot.  We moved our bed to the other side of the room so we would have a large empty space for the pictures.  I put the camera on the tripod, asked the kids to throw on something Christmas-y (meaning jeans without holes and a shirt with a collar).  :)  I had made some photo booth props the day before and that was all the preparation I did.  We also added the cheese factor by playing Christmas music in the background.

We had a really great time and took 75 pictures!  Here are some of the outtakes.

Daddy has such a way of keeping everyone calm... :)

yep... this was a calm and reserved photoshoot...

I just love the look on her face.

Oh my...

Charlie's face cracks me up in this picture.

We are not sure what she was doing, but she insisted on this pose.  At least her toes are pointed!

Charlie is looking very innocent in this picture.

By Charlie's request, this picture made it onto the back of this year's card.  

This was so funny.  We arranged the kids and then there was just enough room for me to run in and wedge myself between Charlie and our oldest son while trying to beat the 10 second timer on the camera.

And then I had to do it again...

At this point, the attention spans were gone, especially with the biggest child in this picture.  Guess whose idea this was?

Melts my heart.

Beginning to go downhill

The picture shows a common look on my face.  It is the look when I lose complete control of my kids.

I've given up at this point.

My favorite!

1 comment:

  1. You got a lovely family right there. And I hope you then can help you to best essay writing as all of their minds will be filled with a lot of ideas.

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