Thursday, July 10, 2014

3rd Annual Summer Sleepover at Ma's

The kids recently had their annual sleepover at my parents' house.  They look forward to this every year.  You know, grandmas are better than boring old mom and dad any day! :)  This year the kids were extra excited because when they received their invitations they realized the sleep over was extended to TWO NIGHTS!!! I am not sure what the exact agenda was but after viewing the pictures I can tell it involved a lot of water, eggs, bubbles, soda, and fire.... Ahhhh, my mom is just simply the best!
Why have only one pool when you can have two and a tee pee?!

Everyone was equipped with safety goggles and aprons.

My daughter's soda rocket shot the highest - Girl Power!!!


Swimming at night with glow sticks - can't get much better!

This was an egg drop event.  Each child could pick three things to use in order to protect their egg.  They used things such as styrofoam, bubble wrap and duct tape.

Then they dropped the protected eggs from a ladder onto a tarp below.  Apparently my kids do not have a fear of heights.

I am not sure what this experiment was but it involved tea bags and a small flame... What happens at Ma's, stays at Ma's!

Making snake bubbles

Writing in the grass with shaving cream

Blowing up balloons with baking soda and vinegar

They are already planning next year's sleepover.  They will have a smaller sleepover in November but that will not involve experiments.  Ma limits the experiments to the summer when most things can be done outside.  :)

Click here to view pictures and experiments from last year's summer sleepover.

Thank you Mom, you are creating such wonderful memories for my children.  I love you!

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